Saturday, May 27, 2006

Chantel's chemo delayed due to low white blood cell counts

Chantel's chemo has been postponed 3 times this week hoping that her WBC count will increase. It seems that her granulocytes have not recovered as quickly as she needs to continue chemo. If it does not recover enough by Monday, she will have to start on a drug regimen to increase her WBC up. She needs to get her WBC count up to ensure she does not get an infection. Filgrastim costs $1,000 per dose and will have to be taken a few days prior to each treatment and may need to be used until the end of her treatment.

Caius shaved his head for Mother's Day for Chantel

Caius approached me a few days prior to Mother's Day and said he wanted to shave his head to support Chantel during her chemo. Here is a photo of Chantel and Caius.

Here is a recent photo of Marcus. He is doing really well. His current stats are 24.5" in length and 11lbs in weight. He is pretty happy and I better get snipped quick or Chantel will have me trying to get her pregnant again when the time is right ;-)


At 10:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chantel and Laurie,

Your little boy is so beautiful! Met up with Chantel a few days ago and got to hold Marcus. He just seemed so content and calm, just like his Mamma. It was an absolute pleasure to hold him and I must confess that you have the cuttest baby boy I have EVER seen or held! I am not trying to flatter you, it's the truth!
Mamma looked beautiful too, despite the thinning of her hair, her inner beauty shined through strong.
I always told you, Chantel that you would be the just as beautiful with or without hair and I was right! Chantel, you are my awesome and through your example I am able to put all of my "petty" problems into percpective...thank you for all that I have learned as a result of this and just know that you are exceptional and MY INSPIRATION!

Lots of love,



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